O έρωτας με έρωτα περνάει, λέει ο λαός και ο Senji Nakajima ακολούθησε αυτή την τακτική για να ξεπεράσει το τέλος με την σύζυγο του. Ο Ιάπωνας επιχειρηματίας αποφάσισε να εγκαταλείψει την οικογένεια του, σύζυγο και δύο παιδιά, όταν είδε πως η φλόγα έχει σβήσει και η απογοήτευση τον έστειλε στην αγκαλιά μιας… κούκλας του […]
O έρωτας με έρωτα περνάει, λέει ο λαός και ο Senji Nakajima ακολούθησε αυτή την τακτική για να ξεπεράσει το τέλος με την σύζυγο του.
Ο Ιάπωνας επιχειρηματίας αποφάσισε να εγκαταλείψει την οικογένεια του, σύζυγο και δύο παιδιά, όταν είδε πως η φλόγα έχει σβήσει και η απογοήτευση τον έστειλε στην αγκαλιά μιας… κούκλας του σεξ!
![NAGANO, JAPAN - JUNE 5: Senji Nakajima combs the hair of his Love Doll "Saori" at Love Hotel room on June 4, 2016 in Nagano, Japan. Senji Nakajima, 61 years old, lives with his life-size 'love doll' named 'Saori' in his apartment in Tokyo, Japan. Nakajima, married with two children, who lives away from home for work, first started his life with Saori six years ago. At first, he used to imagine as if the doll was his first girl friend, and used it only for sexual purposes to fill the loneliness, but months later, he started to find Saori actually has an original personality. "She never betrays, not after only money. I'm tired of modern rational humans. They are heartless," Nakajima says, "for me, she is more than a doll. Not just a silicon rubber. She needs much help, but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments with me and enriches my life." (Photo by Taro Karibe/Getty Images)](http://www.alphafreepress.gr/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/sex_2-640x427.jpg)
Η λαστιχένια, Saori, είναι ό,τι καλύτερο του έχει συμβεί και όταν την πρωτοείδε στη βιτρίνα ένιωσε ότι την ερωτεύτηκε με την πρώτη ματιά! «Οι άνθρωποι είναι πολύ απαιτητικοί» λέει ο Nakajima.
«Ο κόσμος πάντα θέλει από σένα, χρήματα, δέσμευση», λέει ο 62χρονος.
![TOKYO, JAPAN - JUNE 25: Senji Nakajima watches TV with his Love Doll "Saori" at his apartment on June 25, 2016 in Tokyo, Japan. Senji Nakajima, 61 years old, lives with his life-size 'love doll' named 'Saori' in his apartment in Tokyo, Japan. Nakajima, married with two children, who lives away from home for work, first started his life with Saori six years ago. At first, he used to imagine as if the doll was his first girl friend, and used it only for sexual purposes to fill the loneliness, but months later, he started to find Saori actually has an original personality. "She never betrays, not after only money. I'm tired of modern rational humans. They are heartless," Nakajima says, "for me, she is more than a doll. Not just a silicon rubber. She needs much help, but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments with me and enriches my life." (Photo by Taro Karibe/Getty Images)](http://www.alphafreepress.gr/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/sex_3-640x427.jpg)
«Η καρδιά μου πεταρίζει όταν γυρίζω σπίτι στη Saori. Δεν θα με προδώσει ποτέ και κάνει όλες τις έγνοιες μου να φεύγουν». Με τη νέα «σύντροφό» του πηγαίνουν για σκι και surfing, κάνουν πικ νικ και βόλτες.
![KANAGAWA, JAPAN - JULY 8: Senji Nakajima enjoy surfing with the love doll Saori on July 8, 2016 in Kanagawa, Japan. Senji Nakajima, 60 years old, lives with his life-size 'love doll' named 'Saori' in his apartment in Tokyo, Japan. Nakajima, married with two children, who lives away from home for work, first started his life with Saori six years ago. At first, he used to imagine as if the doll was his first girl friend, and used it only for sexual purposes to fill the loneliness, but months later, he started to find Saori actually has an original personality. "She never betrays, not after only money. I'm tired of modern rational humans. They are heartless," Nakajima says, "for me, she is more than a doll. Not just a silicon rubber. She needs much help, but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments with me and enriches my life." (Photo by Taro Karibe/Getty Images)](http://www.alphafreepress.gr/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/sex_4-640x427.jpg)
«Δεν θα ξαναζήσω με πραγματική γυναίκα, είναι σκληρόκαρδες» καταλήγει ο άνδρας.
Ο Nakajima, όπως και πολλοί άλλοι άνδρες στην Ιαπωνία, αντιμετωπίζουν τις κούκλες του σεξ σαν πραγματικούς ανθρώπους. Μάλιστα, περισσότερες από 2000 sex dolls πωλούνται ετησίως στην Ιαπωνία.